Sneads Ferry News from Yahoo! News
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Keep Sneads Ferry Clean and Beautiful - Please Do Not Litter
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: do not litter, sneads ferry
Sneads Ferry Presbyterian Church Sunday School registration on August 15th
Sneads Ferry Presbyterian Church, 776 Highway 210, will be conducting Sunday School registration on August 15th during Fellowship Hour (immediately following our 10AM Worship Service). Please come and enjoy some goodies and refreshments while you are registering your child/children for Sunday School, which begins September 12th. Our teens (grades 7-12) meet Sundays at
Submitted by JoAnn Waggoner
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: church, sneads ferry, Sneads Ferry Presbyterian Church
Friday, July 30, 2010
Fun and Games Fridays Return to Onslow County Museum
Fun and Games Fridays Return to Onslow County Museum
(Onslow County), Onslow County Museum is pleased to announce the return of “Fun and Games Fridays”. Each Friday, youth (ages 3-7) and parents are invited to join in on hands-on activities and crafts inspired by the themes of Play, Art, History, and Science featured in this year’s Children’s Discovery Gallery. These activities are FREE and families can just drop-in on the fun – Fridays, August 6, 13, 20, and 27 from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm each day. These activities will take place in the Museum’s multipurpose room. Located at 301 S. Wilmington Street in Richlands – Onslow County Museum can be contacted at 910.324.5008 for more information or visit the website at
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: Family Entertainment, onslow, onslow county, onslow museum
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Attorneys Meet Over Big Rock Dispute
Lawyers plan to meet this week regarding the legal dispute over the disqualification of the boat the Citation that landed a record catch at the 2010 Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament as efforts continue to resolve the issue. Questions about when and where the fishing license was purchased and when and where it is required to qualify for the tournament may be the deciding difference.
Please see article Attorneys meet over Big Rock dispute for more info
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: fishing, fishing tournament
Onslow Commissioners Lower Tax Rate In Historic Meeting
For the first time in its history, the Onslow County Board of Commissioners exercised authority granted to them under NCGS 159-15 to lower the property tax rate of the county an additional ½ of one cent (the equivalent of over half a million dollars) following the start of a fiscal year.
Onslow County Voters approved a ¼ of one cent local option sales and use tax on May 4, 2010 during the 2010 Primary election. Onslow was one of three counties to do so, the other counties being New Hanover and Duplin. The Board of Commissioners for the County of Onslow promised taxpayers that they would use any revenues for 3 specific purposes’
(FIRST) lower the property tax rate by 2 cents below revenue neutral with one (1) cent being lowered in July 2010 and one (1) second cent being lowered in July 2011
(SECOND) of the remaining money, 50% would be spent on public safety.
(THIRD) the last 50% following the property tax rollback would be spent on public education.
Being mindful of the current economic times, and in an effort to provide additional relief to property owners, the Board of County Commissioners voted to lower the tax rate an additional ½ cent. On June 29th, the Commissioners had lowered the tax rate one and one-half cents below the revenue-neutral tax rate of 60.5 cents per $100 valuation.
The additional mid-fiscal year rollback of taxes means that the Onslow County Commissioners have rolled back property taxes a total of 2-cents from revenue neutral. The County Commissioners have kept their promise one year earlier than previously thought possible.
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: jacksonville, onslow, onslow county, property taxes, sneads ferry
Friday, July 16, 2010
Onslow County Parks and Recreation August Events
The Onslow County Parks and Recreation Department is sponsoring an August Summer Day Camp Program at Onslow Pines Park. Register now at Onslow Pines Park with a limited number of spots available. Camp begins August 2 - August 13 Monday – Friday from 7:45 am – 5:15 PM. Cost is $85 per child. Call 347-5332 visit:
The Onslow County Parks and Recreation Department, Onslow County Public Library and the NC Arts Council are sponsoring a “Back to School” music series. Concerts are held outdoors at the Onslow County Public Library on Thursday evenings August 5 - 26. Times of each concert are 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm. The Library is located at 58 Doris Ave. Performers are:
August 5 – Joe Jackson (Elvis Now)
August 12 – DV8 Band (Variety)
August 19 – To Be Announced
August 26 – O.H.L.A. (Hispanic Latino)
Concerts are free and open to the public. Pack up the family; bring lawn chairs and blankets. Join us for a variety of music and fun. In case of rain, the concerts will be held indoors at the Library. This program is funded by the North Carolina Arts Council, a State Agency, and awarded through the Jacksonville/Onslow Council for the Arts. Call 347-5332 or visit:
Join Onslow County Parks and Recreation Department for an exciting, fun filled evening of bingo Monday August 9, 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Kids 5 to 12 are invited to test their game skills at Blue Creek Elementary School Cafeteria. Play bingo and win back to school supplies. Kids 12 years of age and younger must be accompanied by an adult! The program is free. Visit:
Pack your tent, sleeping bag, bug spray and join Onslow County Parks and Recreation at Camp Mitchell in Swansboro Saturday August 28, 2010 for an overnight Family Campout. There will be games, fishing (bring fishing pole and bait) and other planned activities beginning at 1pm. We will roast a Hotdog maybe a Marshmallow and tell Campfire Stories. Don’t forget your pillow! Children must be accompanied by an adult! The program is free. Call 347-5332 to Pre-Register. Visit:
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: Family Entertainment, onslow county, parks and recreation
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
ONWASA mulls lower impact fees
The Onslow Water and Sewer Authority ("ONWASA") will be deciding on Thursday, July 15, 2010 6:00 pm during its board meeting at Jacksonville City Hall whether or not to adopt its 2011 budget including lowered impact fees to make it competitive with other sewer utilities providing local service like Pluris.
For more info please see ONWASA mulls lower impact fees by
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sneads Ferry Lions Club Vision Van at Salem Baptist Church July 16th
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: free testing, lions club, sneads ferry, vision testing, vision van
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Sneads Ferry Senior's Center
George Boan 327-3018 or e-mail him via:
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: senior center, senior citizens, senior's center, sneads ferry, Sneads Ferry Community Resources
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Lift Tilts at Jail Construction Site
County Manager Jeff Hudson said “We are thankful to the City of Jacksonville for their quick response”. He also remarked on the measures taken on site to ensure that employees are aware of all safety rules and regulations.
For more information, contact County Administration at (910) 347-4717. Additional information will be released as it becomes available.
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: construction, jacksonville city jail, jacksonville nc, jacksonville north carolina
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Man accused of sex offense, providing false age
Man accused of sex offense, providing false age (see JDNews article for more info)
A 28 year old man, who lives on Old Folkstone Road in Sneads Ferry, North Carolina charged Thursday with the statutory rape of a 15 year old girl, was again arrested Friday for providing an incorrect age during his original arrest, according to warrants.
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: arrest, crime stoppers, sneads ferry
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Sneads Ferry Community Theatre presents On Golden Pond
JULY 16 & 23
JULY 17 & 24
JULY 18 & 25
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Onslow Hires First Full-Time County Attorney
Onslow County Government has announced the hiring of its first full-time County Attorney. Ms. Lesley Moxley, of Macon County, North Carolina was unanimously approved by the Board of Commissioners during a special meeting on Tuesday, June 15th.
Originally from the Kinston/Lenoir County area, Ms. Moxley is a graduate of the Wake Forest University School of Law and has practiced law in North Carolina since 1990. Her field of expertise is in government law where she has gained tremendous experience working for such employers as The Sanford Holshouser Law Firm of Pinehurst, Moore County Government, Durham County Government, and most recently Macon County Government. Ms. Moxley is the immediate past president of the North Carolina Association of County Attorneys.
“Our community faces complex challenges”, said County Manager Jeff Hudson, “the Board of Commissioners has hired an individual with a great deal of experience in North Carolina government law.” Hudson stated that this hire marks a major change in direction for the County, which has been served solely by retained attorneys in past years. Onslow County financial records indicate that past annual payments to retained county attorneys exceeded $200,000. Ms. Moxley’s starting salary is $130,000 which represents a cost savings to the County.
The county attorney position reports to the Board of Commissioners and serves as the chief legal advisor to the Board and County Administration. The county attorney will also be available to all county departments. “Attorneys on retainer, by necessity, must serve all their clients and might therefore be less available to the County in a time of need” Hudson stated. “We now have an attorney who is focused on service to only one client: the citizens of Onslow County” he added.
Ms. Moxley fills the void left by Mr. Ron VonLembke who left the county attorney position in December 2009 when he relocated away from the area. Ms. Moxley’s first day on the job will be July 1, 2010.
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: jacksonville, onslow, onslow county, onslow government
Freedom Festival at Onslow Pines Park
(Onslow County) The 27th Annual Freedom Festival will be held on Sunday, July 4, 2010, at Onslow Pines Park off Highway 17 South adjacent to Harley Davidson. This FREE Festival will include Games, Rides, Vendor booths, and Karaoke beginning at 3 pm. Musical acts The Carousels, Pauline Smith, and J Barnes (Elvis) will perform a variety of oldies and beach music classics on two stages beginning at 5:00 pm. The event will culminate with a Fireworks Show at 9:00 pm.
For more information, call 347-5332 or visit our website at
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: freedom festival, onslow, onslow county, parks and recreation
Monday, June 14, 2010
Onslow County Parks and Recreation July 2010 Events
Eat Smart, Cook Smart Cooking Classes
Learn to cook Quick, Healthy and Delicious meals in your food budget! Classes will be held at NC Cooperative Extension Thursdays July 1, 8, 15, and 22, 6:00 – 8:00 pm. $15.00 for 8 hours of Instruction, you will also receive Samples and Cook Books. Call Onslow County Parks and Recreation to Pre-register 347-5332. Visit:
Join Onslow County Parks and Recreation for the 27th Annual Freedom Festival; Sunday July 4, 2010 at Onslow Pines Park. The Carousels, Pauline Smith and J Barnes (Elvis) will perform on the two stages from 5:00 – 9:00pm. Games & rides for children and other vendors will be on hand starting at 3:00 p.m. Patriotic Fireworks Display at 9:00 p.m. For more information, call 347-5332 or visit our website at
The Onslow County Parks and Recreation Department and the Onslow County Board of Education are sponsoring a Summer Day Camp Program at various school sites. Campsites are: Dixon Middle, Southwest Middle and Hunters Creek Middle, Swansboro Middle and Summersill Elementary School. Late registration will take place July 8 at Onslow Pines Park with a limited number of spots still available for Session II. Session II camp runs Monday-Friday, July 12-July 30 from 7:45 am – 5:15 PM. Cost is $85 per child with each additional child from the same family paying only $75 per child to attend Session II. Call 347-5332 visit:
Get your feet wet at the Onslow County Parks and Recreation 5K and One Mile Fun Run, Saturday July 10 at Beach Access #2, 2950 Island Drive North Topsail Beach 28460. Call: 910-347-5332 to Pre-register by July 6 and get a Free T-Shirt! Late Registration on site 8:00 a.m. Awards will be presented after the race. This event is being held in conjunction with the Earth and Surf Day! Visit:
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: Family Entertainment, onslow county, parks and recreation
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
2010/2011 Onslow County Budget Public Information Sessions
Public Information Sessions Scheduled on Proposed 2010/2011 Onslow County Budget
(Onslow County) Onslow County Government will conduct four public information sessions on the Proposed 2010/2011 Budget. The meetings are currently scheduled to be held as follows:
June 16th 10:00 am Onslow County Museum
June 16th 6:30 pm Jacksonville City Hall
June 17th 10:00 am Holly Ridge Town Hall
June 17th 6:30 pm Swansboro Town Hall
These four public information sessions are imperative so that the public can be informed about the financial profile of Onslow County and the important facets of this proposed budget. The budget has been made available for public review on the Onslow County website at as well as at the following locations:
Onslow County Administration Office, 4024 Richlands Highway, Jacksonville
Onslow County Public Library Branches
· Jacksonville, 58 Doris Avenue East
· Richlands, 299 S. Wilmington Street
· Sneads Ferry, 242 Sneads Ferry Road
· Swansboro, 1460 West Corbett Avenue
The public information sessions are in addition to the one statutorily-required public hearing before the Board of Commissioners, which will be held during the regularly scheduled meeting of the Onslow County Board of Commissioners on June 21, 2010, 7:00 pm at Jacksonville City Hall.
If you have any questions or need additional information concerning the public hearing, please contact the Onslow County Administration Office at 910/347-4717.
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: budget, onslow county, onslow government, property tax, sales tax, sneads ferry, taxes
Surf City Independence Day Celebration
(Near the Swing Bridge)
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Mark Roberts & Breeze Band: 6:00 p.m.
American Legion Honor Guard Post 167
Fireworks: 9:00 p.m.
Bring your chair or blanket and come enjoy the evening!
(No coolers or alcoholic beverages, please)
Shuttle Service will be provided at no charge.
Patricia E. Arnold, CMC
Town Clerk
Town of Surf City
214 N. New River Dr.
PO Box 2475
Surf City, NC 28445
910-328-4131 * Fax 910-328-1746/910-328-4132
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: 4th of july, independence day, onslow county, surf city
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
June is National Homeownership Month
(Onslow County) USDA Rural Development is dedicated to increasing awareness of programs and opportunities available to help those who do not own a home achieve the dream of home ownership. Rural Development has 502 Direct Loan funds available and applicants may qualify for payment assistance. Mortgage payments are based on the household's adjusted income. Families are expected to pay 24% of their gross adjusted income for house payment, insurance, and taxes. This 24% requirement often reduces the effective interest rate to as low as one percent. The adjusted household income limits for Onslow County are one person, $28,200; two persons, $32,250; three persons, $36,250; and four persons, $40,300. In order to determine income eligibility only, you may visit the following Internet website at:
The 502 Direct Loan can assist a prospective homebuyer purchase an existing dwelling, purchase a newly constructed dwelling, or purchase a site and construct a dwelling in rural areas. Rural areas include communities with a population of 20,000 or less. Eligibility is based on household income, repayment ability, credit history, and the inability to afford a conventional loan. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provided additional funds that are available through September 30th.
“The Obama Administration is committed to bringing the necessary resources to rural America to provide decent, affordable housing to those who need it”, said Agriculture Secretary Vilsack. “A strong Nation is made up of strong families, and safe, quality housing contributes greatly to rural Americans’ quality of life.”
For more information regarding the Section 502 Direct Home Loan Program please contact the USDA Rural Development office in Kinston at (252)-526-9799 ext 4.
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: home ownership, onslow county, sneads ferry, usda rural development
Game Warden Commemorated in Wildlife Lookout Spot
Game warden commemorated in wildlife lookout spot
The John E Waters Jr. Wildlife Viewing Area is on MCB Camp Lejeune base property and yet is open to the public. It is located just over the high rise bridge on NC 172 at the base of a small access road before the sentry gate which is a great place for viewing and fishing from the pier.
For more info, please visit the online article
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: Camp Lejeune, MCB Camp Lejeune, parks and recreation, sneads ferry, wildlife
Red Cross Blood Drive in Sneads Ferry June 22nd
The next Sneads Ferry
is Tuesday, JUNE 22
2pm to 7pm
Sneads Ferry Presbyterian Church, Hwy 172
Hope to see YOU!
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: blood drive, red cross, sneads ferry
Public Hearing on the Proposed 2010/2011 Onslow County Budget
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: budget, onslow, onslow county, property taxes, sales tax, sneads ferry, taxes
Saturday, June 05, 2010
Dixon's Lanier is one smart Bulldog
Dixon's Lanier is one smart Bulldog
Congratulations to Caleb Lanier who will be receiving a full-ride engineering scholarship to attend East Carolina University after he graduates Dixon with a 5.0 weighted grade point average showing his abilities both on and off the baseball diamond.
For more information, please read
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: Caleb Lanier, dixon bulldogs, Dixon High School, sneads ferry
Dixon comes up short in state finals
Dixon comes up short in state finals
After winning game 1 and losing game 2, the Dixon "Bulldogs" came up short to the West Wilkes "Blackhawks" in an extra innings heart breaking loss to of game 3 Saturday night of the North Carolina 1-A Baseball state championship by 7-6.
For more information, please visit
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: baseball, dixon baseball, dixon bulldogs, Dixon High School
Police arrest fifth suspect in robberies
Police arrest fifth suspect in robberies
The fifth suspect allegedly involved in 23 burglaries in the Onslow County area was apprehended today.
For more info please visit
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: burglaries, onslow county, onslow nc, onslow north carolina
Four arrested, one sought in connection to string of burglaries
Four arrested, one sought in connection to string of burglaries
Four men have been arrested and there is a warrant for the arrest of a fifth in connection with 23 burglaries after a year long investigation beginning May 2009 according to the Onslow County Sheriff's department.
For more info please visit
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: burglaries, onslow county
Dixon loses game 2 of best of 3 series
Dixon loses game 2 of best of 3 series
Dixon "Bulldogs" High School Baseball team is still one win away from the North Carolina 1-A State Championship after losing 14-10 to the West Wilkes "Blackhawks" today. This best of 3 championship will be decided tonight starting at 5:00 pm.
Visit for more info.
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: dixon baseball, dixon bulldogs, Dixon High School, NC 1-A, NC 1A, north carolina state championship, sneads ferry
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Albert J. Ellis Airport Sets Single Month Record For Passenger Traffic
(Onslow County) Albert J. Ellis Airport (OAJ) today announced that preliminary figures for the month of May show the Airport set the all-time record for passengers in a single month. The previous record of 25,607, set in July 2009, was eclipsed in May when 29,192 passengers used Albert J. Ellis Airport. In response to growing demand, Delta Air Lines is expanding flight options from OAJ to Delta’s Atlanta hub with an additional flight that begins June 10th. US Airways also increased flight offerings in May with one additional daily flight to their Charlotte hub.
Albert J. Ellis Airport continues to experience significant growth since both Delta and US Airways adjusted fares departing from OAJ to levels more consistent with other airports in the region. Year to date boardings have risen by over 16%, with May experiencing a 31% boost.
Chris White, Albert J. Ellis Airport Director, says, “Lower airfares to and from Albert J. Ellis have had the most dramatic impact on our passenger volume. Frequently passengers are finding fares comparable to, or even lower than, travel to and from other airports in the area. We have seen an increase in passengers driving from the Wilmington and Morehead City areas to take advantage of Ellis’ lower fares, convenience and first class service.”
Albert J. Ellis Airport is located between Jacksonville and Richlands on NC Highway 111. Owned and operated by Onslow County since 1971, OAJ is served by Delta Air Lines and US Airways with direct service to hubs in Atlanta and Charlotte.
For more information, please contact the Albert J. Ellis Airport at 910.324.1100 or visit the Airport online at
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: albert j ellis airport, jacksonville airport, onslow county
Access to Albert J. Ellis Airport During NC 111 Construction
(Onslow County) NCDOT will begin replacing a pipe under NC111 west of the intersection with Fowler Manning and Ellis Airport Roads on Monday, June 14, 2010. This project is anticipated to impact traffic for up to five days. Access to the Airport will be minimally impacted and there will be no change for visitors to Onslow County’s Albert J. Ellis Airport (OAJ) from the Jacksonville and Richlands areas. Travelers from those areas will continue to use NC111/Catherine Lake Road to access the Airport as they have in the past. If you are arriving from the Wallace / Pink Hill areas, NCDOT will post a detour around the construction that could add several minutes to your drive. Please visit for further information.
In order to help keep your trip as stress free as possible, passengers are encouraged to arrive at the airport at least one hour prior to your scheduled departure.
Albert J. Ellis Airport is located between Jacksonville and Richlands on NC Highway 111. Owned and operated by Onslow County since 1971, OAJ is served by Delta Air Lines and US Airways.
For more information, please contact the Albert J. Ellis Airport at 910.324.1100 or visit the Airport online at
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: albert j ellis airport, jacksonville airport, jax, oaj, onslow county
Oyster Shellbagging / Shoreline Planting / Clean-Up at NCCF’s Morris Landing Clean Water Preserve
When: Saturday, June 5, from 10am - 2pm (Rain Date: Sunday June 6, from 10am -2 pm)
Where: Morris Landing Clean Water Preserve, 870 Morris Landing Rd., Holly Ridge, N.C. 28445
Event Description:
The North Carolina Coastal Federation invites community members and volunteers to a fun-filled Community Clean Water Day at the Morris Landing Clean Water Preserve on Stump Sound. We will be working on a variety of projects at the preserve, including one to create oyster habitat and restore the shoreline of Stump Sound. We will be filling mesh bags with oyster shells to create a new oyster reef. We will be supplying a bob-cat to do the hard work, but we will still need many hands to cut, seal and stack the shellbags. We will also be conducting a shoreline clean-up, maintaining our existing oyster reef, and planting saltmarsh seedlings along the shoreline. We will be pulling seine nets and hosting other fun educational activities. You will also have a chance to learn more about some of our ongoing and planned projects in Stump Sound. Join us and bring your friends, family and coworkers.
Refreshments, a light lunch, supplies and equipment will be provided. This event is suitable for all ages. .
Please be sure to:
Dress for the warm weather and planned activities with clothes that will keep you cool and will protect you from mosquitos. Hats and sunglasses are recommended.
Wear clothes that can get wet and dirty. Most of our activities will be on dry land, but we will be working along the shoreline and possibly in shallow water so you may get a little wet.
You may want to bring a change of clothes.
Wear closed toed shoes or boots that can get wet and muddy. Old tennis shoes are best. Please - NO tevas, crocs or sandals.
Bring any medications that you may need while are on site.
There are no restrooms at Morris Landing, so please make sure you stop in Holly Ridge to use the restrooms. We will have a Port-A-Pottie on site and access to some restrooms at a nearby RV Park and campground a block up the road.
We have included directions to Morris Landing below. Please feel free to contact us at or 910-509-2838. On Saturday please feel free to call my cell phone (910-231-6605) if you have any questions or need any additional information.
Thank you very much for your time and support. We will look forward to seeing you on Saturday June 5..
Directions to Morris Landing on Stump Sound near Holly Ridge
From Wilmington (approx. 45 minute – 1 hour drive)
1. Take Hwy. 17 north through Hampstead and into Holly Ridge.
2. After the traffic light at the junction of 17 and 50 in Holly Ridge, take the first right (just past the light) onto Sound Rd. There is a junk/antique store on the corner.
3. Follow Sound Rd. through town and it will become Morris Landing Rd.
4. The road will take a sharp bend to the left at the junction of Holly Ridge Rd and Morris Landing Rd., Stay Straight on Morris Landing Rd.
5. Follow Morris Landing Rd. straight until it dead ends at the water.
6. We’ll have signs directing you to the project area. Staff will be there to meet you.
From Jacksonville (approx. 30 – 45 minute drive)
1. Follow Hwy. 17 south towards Wilmington and into Holly Ridge.
2. Just before you reach the traffic light at the junction of 17 and 50 in Holly Ridge, take a left onto Sound Rd. There is a junk/antique store on the corner.
3. Follow Sound Rd. through town and it will become Morris Landing Rd.
4. The road will take a sharp bend to the left at the junction of Holly Ridge Rd and Morris Landing Rd., Stay Straight on Morris Landing Rd.
5. Follow Morris Landing Rd. straight until it dead ends at the water.
From Morehead City and Swansboro (approx. 1:30 – 1:45 hour drive)
1. Follow Hwy. 24 to Jacksonville and then take the new Hwy 17 Bypass towards Sneads Ferry/Holly Ridge
2. Just before you reach the traffic light at the junction of 17 and 50 in Holly Ridge, take a left onto Sound Rd. There is a junk/antique store on the corner.
3. Follow Sound Rd. through town and it will become Morris Landing Rd.
4. The road will take a sharp bend to the left at the junction of Holly Ridge Rd and Morris Landing Rd., Stay Straight on Morris Landing Rd.
5. Follow Morris Landing Rd. straight until it dead ends at the water.
Ted Wilgis - Biologist, CEE
Coastal Education Coordinator
*We've Moved-New Contact Info:*
NC Coastal Federation -Southeastern Region Office
The Landing
530 Causeway Drive, Suite F1
Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480
(910) 509-2838 Ext. 202
(910) 231-6605 mobile
(910) 509-2840 fax
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: cleanup, Morris Landing, NCCF, onslow county, sneads ferry
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Dixon High School Men’s JV and Varsity Soccer Teams Bake Sale
June 5, 2010
8:00am – 1:00pm
Food Lion of Sneads Ferry
Food Lion of Surf City
9:00am – 1:00pm
Shark Attack of Sneads Ferry
Donations of baked goods are needed!
All proceeds will be applied toward Camp Registration for the 2010 – 2011 Dixon High School Men’s JV and Varsity Soccer Teams.
Contact: Gina Barfield 330-4652
Machelle Leary 526-1199 or
Jane Moore 327-2274
for more information
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: dixon bulldogs, dixon soccer, fundraiser, fundraising
Dixon Baseball Team Won Eastern Conference Championship and Needs Your Help!
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: baseball, championship, dixon bulldogs, Dixon High School, fundraiser, fundraising
Onslow County Conducts Training Exercise
(Onslow County) Starting on June 4th through June 12th, Onslow County Emergency Management & Homeland Security and its partners through the Military Civilian Task Force will be conducting several training exercises. Various emergency scenarios will be staged in the county to evaluate emergency response and resource allocation.
The training exercises will strengthen the ability of the local emergency management community to prepare, respond and manage large scale incidents. To ensure that our systems are prepared, it is vitally important that we prepare for multiple accidents to enhance the quality and safety of our community with the assistance of our partners.
For more information, contact Angela Cole at 910-347-4717.
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: homeland security, military civilian task force, onslow, onslow county, onslow county emergency management
Onslow County wants Applicants for Manufactured Homes Demolition Program
(Onslow County) Onslow County Planning Department is looking for citizens who may qualify for the Manufactured Home Demolition Assistance Program (MHDAP). The program provides grants to persons who are required to demolish abandoned manufactured homes under the Solid Waste ordinance. Additionally, citizens wishing to volunteer their abandoned manufactured homes for demolition may do so by completing an application form and having their structure examined by authorized County staff.
The MHDAP is a cost-sharing program. Manufactured home demolitions are funded up front by a combination of County contributions and applicant co-payments. Citizens qualifying for the MHDAP are required to make co-payments ranging from 10-30% of the total cost of demolition in most cases. Onslow County currently has a contract with the North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance (NCDPPEA) to demolish abandoned manufactured homes. NCDPPEA reimburses the County for costs incurred on manufactured home demolitions. The NCPPEA grant initiative is a pilot program.
Qualifications for the MHDAP are based on a family’s total income and the number of people in the household. The MHDAP utilizes HUD Section 8 Income Limits for the Jacksonville, NC MSA in order to qualify applicants. Those citizens cited with a violation of the Solid Waste Management Ordinance or the Minimum Housing Code and those wishing to volunteer their structures for demolition are welcome to apply. Onslow County’s program allows it to demolish up to five (5) manufactured homes per site. The County’s grant contract with NCPPEA runs through November 30, 2010.
For more information visit or call Matthew Stuart at (910) 989-3081.
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: mhdap, ncdppea, onslow, onslow county, Onslow County Planning Board, sneads ferry
Public Hearing on the Proposed 2010/2011 Onslow County Budget
(Onslow County) The Onslow County Board of Commissioners will conduct a public hearing on the Proposed 2010/2011 Budget during their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, June 21, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. The hearing will be held in Council Chambers, Jacksonville City Hall, 815 New Bridge Street, Jacksonville. Comments should be limited to no more than five minutes per speaker.
Comments may be submitted prior to the meeting by email to:
Comments may also be submitted by US Mail or in person, but should be sent no later than Monday, June 14, 2010 to the following address:
Proposed FY 2010/2011 Budget
Onslow County Administration
4024 Richlands Highway
Jacksonville, NC 28540
A copy of the proposed budget is available for review at the following locations:
Onslow County Administration Office
4024 Richlands Highway
Onslow County Public Library Branches
·Jacksonville, 58 Doris Avenue East
·Richlands, 299 S. Wilmington Street
·Sneads Ferry, 242 Sneads Ferry Road
·Swansboro, 1460 West Corbett Avenue
The proposed budget can also be viewed on the County’s website at
If you have any questions or need additional information concerning the public hearing, please contact the Onslow County Administration Office at 910/347-4717.
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: board of commissioners, budget, onslow, onslow county, sneads ferry
Music in the Park at Sneads Ferry
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: onslow county, parks and recreation, sneads ferry, stump sound park
Onslow County Museum announces grand opening of 5th Annual Fun and Games – Children’s Discovery Gallery…
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: children, onslow, onslow county
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Dixon Soccer Club (DSC) Board Elections June 7th
Dixon Soccer Club (DSC) Board Elections will be held Monday, June 7th from 7:00 - 9:00pm at the Dixon Middle School field concession stand behind the school.
- Are you a member of the Dixon Soccer Club?
- Are you planning to have your child(ren) playing recreation soccer this year?
- Were you aware of the NEW BY-LAWS that go into effect the day after the Board Election?
When you consider that their are two (2) groups running for the officers positions which is six (6) per side and twelve (12) overall, that leaves 24 people not directly running for office to vote.
Want to learn more about the Dixon Soccer Club? Visit the website at
Want to learn more about the new By-Laws and the Administrative Flow Chart that affect how the club will be run? Visit the web page at
Current DSC Board:
President: Anthony Stember
Vice President: Josh King
Vice President of Micro: Dante Martin
Asst. Commissioner: Stan Allen
Treasurer: Jeannie Lanier
Discipline & Appeals: John Cerruzzi
Secretary: Teresa Moore
***NEW*** DSC Board Positions and their respective candidates:
James Hansley
Anthony Stember
Vice President:
Brian Phillips
Josh King
Jeannie Lanier
Dante Martin
Director of Coaching:
Stan Allen
Risk Management Officer:
Jennifer Miller
Lynn Hinnant
Kathy Wilcox
Kathryn Wendling
Please come out and VOTE the evening of June 7, 2010 to ensure the Dixon Soccer Club continues in the direction which is best for our children!
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: dixon soccer, dixon soccer club, eastern carolina soccer association, sneads ferry, sneads ferry soccer, youth soccer
Monday, May 31, 2010
Onslow, Carteret schools deal with local funding gaps
Onslow, Carteret schools deal with local funding gaps - Jacksonville Daily News
Per student, Onslow County spends less than the average in North Carolina. Onslow County Commissioners adopted a funding formula that takes effect in fiscal year 2011 to begin improving this situation. There are also efforts being made to obtain more Federal dollars while improving the competition levels of county schools.
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: onslow county, onslow government, Sneads Ferry Schools, students
Shepard honored for lifetime service
Shepard honored for lifetime service - Jacksonville Daily News
Sneads Ferry, NC resident Melvin Shepard Jr. was recently awarded the North Carolina Coastal Federation’s lifetime achievement award for his contribution in protecting the coast’s water and marine habitats.
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: carolina coast, north carolina coastal federation, sneads ferry
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Local salon collects hair clippings to help cleanup in Gulf
Local salon collects hair clippings to help cleanup in Gulf - Jacksonville Daily News
The owner of Misty’s Hairstyling Spa on Commerce Road (Misty Kellum) has been collecting hair clippings from her salon for approximately 2 weeks and sending them to Matter of Trust which is a ecological non-profit charity, based in San Francisco. The hair is used to create "booms" to soak up the oil.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Fishing Derby at Jacksonville Training Academy Range
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Sneads Ferry North Carolina
Labels: fishing, kids fishing, onslow county, parks, parks and recreation