Sneads Ferry North Carolina: 9/11/2001 - Do You Remember?
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11/2001 - Do You Remember?

As another anniversary of that September 11th tragic day rolls by, I am reminded of the US soldiers who are around the world standing for us. For those of you who may not vividly remember the events of that day, here is another news site with the details of 9/11/2001.

For me, it doesn't matter if you support George W. Bush or not. It doesn't matter if you feel we need to pull our troops out today, tommorrow or sometime in the far distant future. It does matter that we all learn from those events and find a way to make things right for all.

Do I remember? Yes, I certainly do remember that day all too well.

At the time, I was located in one of the tallest buildings in Richmond, Virginia near the Federal Reserve Bank. When the first communications came across the news channels, our work area had received word via email that problems were going on in New York. One of our prior co-workers had just moved there and was working within a few blocks of the Trade Center.

When the second plane hit the tower, we were all concerned what other tall buildings would be under attack. Then we would see first hand what could happen...

Working with the Virginia Department of Transporation in the computer area, we had online access to the videocams overlooking the Virginia roadways. When the Pentagon was struck, a cam on a nearby bridge was knocked over and hanging by its cords upside down. It was then facing directly along the back of the plane looking right straight into the Pentagon where it crashed. This was one of the most sobering sights I have personally witnessed.

Please understand there are thousands of people that have been affected much more than I due to these events. Many died. Others traumatized for life. And yet, others go on with their lives picking up the pieces and recovering.

Let us never forget the trauma that has occurred nor, let us forget to say thanks to the heroes of those times who were willing to risk so much for so many.

911... Never forget!!!

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